

Introduction, functionalities

Aquanywhere is reef tank automaton which aims, to get infomations (temperature, working pumps, ...), to detect some critical errors (problem with heating,...) and to give alerts (no water, temperature too hot,...). All the automaton can be configured by using its web site (the automaton interface), so you can keep an eye on your reef anywhere.

Aquanywhere uses the K8055 velleman card to control sensors and outputs (pumps, kalkwasser reactor, ..) connected to a computer.

The main functionnalities of aquanywhere are described below:

  • HQI lights management: you can configure the lighting of the hqi during a specific period. if the automaton restart, the hqi lights are tunred on after X minutes. This prevents to turning on the hqi lights successively several times in case of electric cuts. X is a parameter which can be given with the interface web. Finally, the hqi lights are tuned off if the temperature is too hot (> Y °C).

  • 2 lights management: like hqi lights (except for the hqi starting after X min)

  • 2 Pump groups management:You can control a group of pumps during a specific period. This group can be stopped during 10 min by pushing a physical button connected to the K8055 board.

  • Circulation pump management This kind of pump should always be turned on. A captor(named "capteur pompe remontée" can be used to start or stop the pump according a water level in your sump.

  • Skimmer management: the skimmer can be stopped or started by pushing a physical button connected to the K8055 card. It is also stopped if the water level sensor "high" is in its close state, which indicates that the sump is full of water. Once the water level of the sump is normal the skimmer returns to its previous state (started or stopped).

  • Evaporation Top Up management: a low "sensor" in the sump alows to start a pump in the water reserv to compensate evaporation, during X seconds, (X a parameter given with web interface). Another sensor ("high"), in the sump, can check if the water level is too high. In this case, the low sensor is breakdown! Evaporation top up addiction is stopped and an alert email is sent. A last sensor located in the water reserv indicates is the water reserv is empty. In this case, evaporation top up addiction is stopped and another alert email is sent. By using the web site, it is possible to know all the evaporation top up moments and to determine the water quantity added in the sump.

  • Flowmeter use : possibility to add a flowmeter to know the real water quantity added

  • Alert sending management by Mail or SMS: aquanywhere can send email or SMS a critical alert ocurs (no water, temperaturetoo hot,too cold,...)

  • Temperature management: by using the web interface, you can see the current temperature and see a graph composed of : the recorded temperatures of each hour during the last 24 hours, the minimal and maximal recorded temperatures of each hour for the last month. Moreover, aquanywhere manages some critical errors: if the temperature > 30 °C, the heating is stopped and an alert email is sent. If the temperature < 26°C and if the heating is closed, the heating is started. And if the temperature < 23 °C, an alert email is sent to indicate the the heating is breakdown.

  • Refrigeration management : a regrigeration unit can plugged and can be turned on/off according a giving temperature. A ventilator or anything else can be plugged.

  • Kalkwasser reactor management : the kalkwasser reactor pump is tuned on every Y min during X min (Y and X are parameters given with the web interface).

  • 4 Peristaltic pumps management: these pumps can be started during 5 specific periods.

  • PH reading : with a phidget component The probe calibration is possible.

  • Error and Log pages : these pages are accessible via the web interface.

  • Complete configuration with the web interface: it is possible to define each period, the input/outputs of the K8055 board, the email account, ...

  • Robustness : a script checks every minutes if the automaton is functionning. If not, it is restarted with the saved data base. This data base is saved every hours.

  • Calcium reactor or CO2 Kit Management: if a ph probe is used, the PH value triggers a Calcium reactor or a CO2 Kit between a minimum and a maximum PH value.
